Teaching self-compassion to teens

von Lorraine Hobbs und Niina Tamura, Vorwort von Christopher Germer, Nachwort von Daniel Siegel

Erschienen im April 2022.

Lorraine Hobbs und ich freuen uns sehr, dass unser Buch über die Vermittlung der Ressource Selbstmitgefühl an Jugendliche nun endlich erschienen ist. Es enthält einen detaillierten Überblick über die Theorie und Forschung, praktische Anleitungen für die Arbeit mit Jugendlichen und eine Fülle von Übungen, Meditationen und Aktivitäten. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die mit Jugendlichen arbeiten, z. B. TherapeutInnen, Lehrkräfte und SozialarbeiterInnen.

Bestellbar überall wo es Bücher gibt.

Eine deutsche Übersetzung ist in Planung und wird frühestens 2023 erscheinen.

This is an invaluable book for anyone who works with teens and wants to help them become more emotionally intelligent and resilient. Drawing on abundant research showing that self-compassion is essential to healthy development, the authors provide a detailed blueprint for how to help teens learn the life-changing skill of being kind and supportive to yourself.
— Kristin Neff, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin
What an incredible gift to adolescents and those who work with them! This book is chock-full of practices that cultivate not only self-compassion, but also connection, creativity, and fun. Teens (and adults) will go back to these lessons again and again.
— Christopher Willard, PsyD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance
It’s tough being a teen, and research shows it is getting harder. What can therapists, teachers, and parents do to counter the current epidemic of adolescent depression and anxiety? This excellent and informative book shows how teaching self-compassion can help teens cope with the challenges they face. It is a wonderful resource for all who care about teens and want to learn more about the art and science of self-compassion.
— Susan M. Pollak, MTS, EdD, Cofounder, Center for Mindfulness and Compassion, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance
This book is a detailed guide for those who want to support teens in developing the essential life skill of self-compassion. When teens learn to treat themselves with kindness, it is truly life changing, perhaps even life saving.
— Amy Saltzman, MD, Director, Association for Mindfulness in Education; author of A Still Quiet Place for Teens