What is self-compassion?

Self-compassion means treating yourself as you would treat a good friend. Pioneering researcher Kristin Neff defined three components of self-compassion: mindfulness, common humanity and self-kindness. With mindfulness, we become aware of our moment-to-moment experience without judgment and with a balanced perspective. In other words, we recognise when suffering is present without judging ourselves for it and without over-identifying with difficult thoughts and emotions. With common humanity, we acknowledge that suffering is part of being human and that we are not alone. With self-kindness, we soothe and hold ourselves simply because we are suffering.

In a nutshell, self-compassion means…

  • Becoming aware of when we are suffering

  • Bringing a balanced perspective to hard times

  • Comforting ourselves when we are struggling

  • Recognising what we need most in difficult times

  • Standing up for ourselves

  • Learning to be with difficult emotions

  • Accepting ourselves as we are

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Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
— Chris Germer