How can self-compassion help teens?

Self-compassion benefits all ages, but may be of particular significance for teens.

With mindfulness, teens learn to become more rooted in their present-moment experience, rather than ruminate about things that have gone wrong or worry about the future. Moreover, teens often believe they are the only ones having a hard time. Common humanity is an antidote to this sense of isolation. Lastly, adolescence is a time of searching for your own identity. This leaves teens vulnerable to harsh self-evaluation and self-criticism. Self-kindness helps teens support themselves with their own compassionate voice.

Research has found that for both adults and teens, those with greater self-compassion experience greater well-being and lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. Following training in self-compassion, teens showed a reduction in depression, anxiety and perceived stress.

How can it be learned?

Everyone has the capacity to learn self-compassion skills. Making Friends with Yourself is a dedicated programme for teens on mindfulness and self-compassion. More information on our courses can be found here.


become intimate with your fears. listen to them. sit cross legged. give them your undivided attention... offer them comfort. offer them rest.
— Nayyirah Waheed